Turning Things To Gold – The Power Of Mindset
Podcast BEING WITH SALLY WILSON Episode #66 TURNING THINGS TO GOLD – THE POWER OF MINDSET Why does life just seem to ‘work’ for some and not others? Why does everything seem to turn to gold for some and not others? I was grateful for the opportunity to be a guest on...
A 5 Minute Mindfulness Daily Meditation to help you to live mindfully
Short Six Minute Morning Relaxation Meditation
Shed your intellectual armour and connect to your felt sense of life
Growing up I had an inclination to experience life intellectually, in my head so to speak… I didn’t wear my intellect as a ‘badge of honour’, I wore my intellect as protective armour against feeling…. and it worked a treat. It kept me ‘safe’ from experiencing all the...
The power of abundance: creating the mindset to bring about change through intention
‘The mind is everything… what you believe, you become’. Ever wondered about the psychological science behind the concept of abundance and intention? If so, this three minute read might spark your interest further. Our mindset is a critical component of success in...